Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Vegetable transplants at the SCBG plant sale

We have a fabulous collection of native and ornamental garden plants available at the Friends Spring Plant Sale on April 20 (2:30-6 pm) and the SCBG Public Sale on April 21 (9 am-1 pm).  You can download the list here.

We'll also have an excellent selection of warm-season vegetables and herbs and will be providing advice about growing vegetables in the Upstate at our Garden Fest table.

Millionaire Hybrid (Japanese type)
Asian Trio (long purple, white, magenta)
Violet Prince

Ancho San Martin Hybrid Pepper
Corno Di Toro Mix
Corno Di Toro
Sweet Jemison (sweet Italian) OP
Sweet Abundance (sweet bell-shaped pepper) OP
New Mexico Big Jim (ancho/poblano type)
Jalapeno 'Jalafuego'

Tomato Hybrids: Beefsteak/Slicing/Salad
Big Beef VFFNTA Hybrid
Better Boy VFN hybrid
Lemon Boy VFN
Big Boy hybrid

Paste tomatoes
Super Marzano VFNT hybrid
Roma 'Pompeii'
Principe Borghese (OP)

Cherry tomatoes
Super Sweet 100
Sun Gold Hybrid
Sweet Million FNT Hybrid

Chianti Rose
Brandywine Tomato
Cherokee Purple
German Giant
Pink Brandywine
Black Cherry
Hawaiian Pineapple

Verde Puebla

Parsley (Italian)
Parsley (Italian 'Gigante')
Parsley (Moss curled)
Basil (Italian pesto)
Basil (Profumo di Genova)
Thai Lemon Basil
Stevia (sweetener herb)
Bulbing Fennel 'Trieste'

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Spring nights

I'd scheduled a spring full moon hike for April 6, not realizing that it was Good Friday (so maybe not such a good time for Christian observers), but then again, it may be a lovely evening to connect with nature and spirit.

A previous (almost) full moon
The warm season in the Southern U.S. --spring, summer, and fall-- is magical with night sounds.  Insects and frogs (of many species) are the primary players in the nocturnal symphony, with birds punctuating the transition from dusk to dark, and perhaps some of the night flying birds (such as owls) will be calling out.

The exceptionally warm winter and early spring means that the nocturnal symphony is playing earlier than normal.  Enjoy!

(This is a duplicate post from my blog, Natural Gardening).  Here's a link to previous posts about night sounds, with some excellent resource links.